Healthcare Businesses

Assisted living, aged care, and in home care

If you are seeking to install OR retrofit a safety alert system to help your clients in the event of an emergency then Vanguard Wireless' systems are perfect for your needs.

Other systems require hard wiring or specialist installation. Our systems are much more simple and can be restored within minutes.


Integrates with existing hardware and systems

Our operating system can be connected to your system via an API call. We can also connect our system to existing hardware within your building that is specific to your client needs, such as hyper sensitive buttons. Contact us to discuss specifics and we can build integration into the quote. We can also share what we've achieved with other customers.


Easily managed by your key personnel

Using our control panel and/or smartphone app you can easily self-manage your system. We will work closely with your key personnel and nominated system admin manager/s on an ongoing basis. You'll have full visibility to the power and connectivity status of each device. You can manage users, test processes, download reports, relocate devices, change batteries quickly and easily. This will save expenditure on call out fees and external maintenance.

Our systems utilise cloud technology for real-time monitoring and deliver a detailed reporting log, letting you focus on the rest of your business.



We offer a range of system configurations that are designed for your specific site requirements, and will complement your business' emergency plan and processes. You can choose from mesh or cellular connectivity (or a combination of the two), battery or mains power, and multi functional or single purpose devices. You can choose whether to manage your system via the TCU (touchscreen control unit), smartphone app or install a stand alone solution. You can integrate evacuation and nurse call systems or select one or the other. You can set up multiple user authorisations based on location, role, responsibility or risk. The choice is yours!


No specialist installation

We offer installation services however our wireless devices do not require expensive repeaters or cabling, making them perfect for retrofitting a system on an existing site. In most cases we ship the devices to you already assembled and connected as a system, so it's just a matter of unpacking them, powering them up, and positioning them to ensure the best connection. 

Our devices use either a long-range wireless network and dedicated radio frequency OR cellular network connection. We can advise what we think is the best solution at the time of quoting.

Select from mains-powered and battery solutions. We supply rechargeable batteries and a charger for the latter, which are easy to replace.


Two features that make our systems industry leading

Vanguard Wireless Smartphone App
Available for both iOS and Android devices, our app gives you full control of your system: reconfigure and test, control evacuation sirens, respond to nurse call events, push notifications to key personnel, authorise full or partial evacuations. You will have access to critical information in real time, imperative in the case of an emergency.

Two-Way Notifications
We offer the only wireless safety alert system that includes two-way audio and visual feedback. While traditional systems allow an injured worker to call for help, they provide no acknowledgement that the message has been transmitted or the call for help accepted. Our devices use a series of audio and visual cues to indicate help is on the way, providing reassurance to lower the acute stress of an injured worker.


Our most common systems for customers in this segment are below. To explore all our systems click HERE.


Nurse Call

TCU Managed

Nurse Call System - TCU Managed

Our mesh nurse call devices work using radio frequency, so are perfect for small ranges with little interference.

  • Devices simply need to sit within range of one another to build a network
  • No repeaters to allow for flexible configuration and increased reliability
  • No limit on the number of devices
  • Managed by our touchscreen control unit and optional smartphone app
  • Real time individual unit power and connectivity status updates
  • Single button alert triggers and cancellations
  • Two-way notifications


Nurse Call

App Managed

Nurse Call System - App Managed

In instances where a mesh RF connection won't work, you can select to install a cellular nurse call system.

  • Unlimited range (provided it is able to establish a cellphone tower connection)
  • Wireless construction – no specialist installation required
  • Easily retrofitted
  • Managed by our touchscreen control unit OR smartphone app
  • View individual device power and connectivity status in real time
  • Send push notifications to key personnel
  • Monitor who Accepts/Declines to respond to a nurse call alert



Nurse Call + Evacuation

Integrated Systems - TCU + App Managed

Our integrated systems include nurse call AND evacuation devices so your business is prepared to handle medical emergencies AND evacuations.

  • Choose how many of each device your business needs
  • Devices can be mesh RF, cellular or both
  • Utilise a TCU (touchscreen control unit) and/or smartphone app to help manage your system
  • Set up multi level authorisations for staff and key personnel









Latest News and Articles

Useful information for every business

Testing Your Evacuation Or Nurse Call System

Protect your worker's hearing while ensuring they can still receive emergency evacuation alerts via installed evacuation sirens or evacuation lights.

Importance Of Proactive Hazard Reporting

Protect your worker's hearing while ensuring they can still receive emergency evacuation alerts via installed evacuation sirens or evacuation lights.

Understanding Worker Noise Exposure

Protect your worker's hearing while ensuring they can still receive emergency evacuation alerts via installed evacuation sirens or evacuation lights.

Evacuation and nurse call systems for construction, industrial, mining, rail, and civil works projects