Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

Workplace Safety Program Business Benefits

In the modern business ecosystem, a robust workplace safety program is no longer a mere regulatory requirement but a fundamental cornerstone in optimising a company's bottom line. Many businesses tend to overlook the economic benefits that a well-structured safety program can bring, often viewing it as an obligatory expense rather than an investment. This perspective, however, needs a revision. In fact, implementing a proactive safety program can contribute to improved productivity, employee satisfaction, and substantial financial savings.
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ESG and How It Pertains To Your Workplace Emergency Alert System

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is a comprehensive framework that evaluates an organisation's practices and performance on sustainability and ethical issues. It provides a systematic approach to measure business risks and opportunities in these areas. How your business approaches workplace safety is a critical component of this.
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The Value Of Customer Feedback

When was the last time you booked a hotel or restaurant without first checking out online reviews? When you need a plumber, do you ask your neighbor for a recommendation? How much merit do you place in a business having great reviews, testimonials or ratings?
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4 Reasons Health & Safety can be a Competitive Advantage for your Organisation

on Mar 25, 2019 8:14:00 PM By | Igor Kazagrandi | 0 Comments | businessdevelopment businessadvice safetysystem technology training
For some organisations, workplace health and safety is just a matter of ticking a few boxes before moving onto more important things. However, this is an extremely limited view and fails to consider the significant impacts safety can have on a company’s performance. For organisations that want to grow, taking a new look at safety is essential. From worker retention and recruitment to improved reputation and cost savings or even increased contracts, creating a culture of safety can have wide reaching effects. It can even be one of your greatest competitive advantages. Find out how below.
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