Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

Testing Your Evacuation Or Nurse Call System

It’s important to regularly test your Orisent emergency alert system to ensure that your workers know how to trigger an evacuation or medical emergency alert, that the hardware and software is working as it should, and your emergency response personnel understand what action to take. How often you test your system, and how you test it, is up to you to determine.
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Crucial Emergency Equipment Maintenance

As part of your workplace emergency response plan, you should have a first aid plan. These are documented first aid response protocols that guide staff and others on site on what actions should be taken in the event of a first aid emergency. Arrangements will vary across each workplace based on staffing, the work environment, and element of risk, however the first aid response will generally include commonly understood first aid action steps including: How to trigger a nurse call alert How to respond to a nurse call alert How to monitor and manage hardware and software that’s used as part of an emergency response How to monitor and manage first aid equipment
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A Simple Safety Innovation

The brain is one of the most vital organs in our body, and trauma to the brain, even seemingly minor head injuries, can cause permanent behavioural and cognitive problems, such as memory loss, an inability to concentrate, sleep disorders and in some cases, permanent disability or death. Hard hats - one of the most simple yet innovative pieces of safety equipment, have been used since days of old, where they evolved from a helmet used to provide protection solely in warfare, to the standard protective hard hats we see in industry today.
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Protecting Workers From Extreme Heat

The Northern Hemisphere has sweltered through its hottest summers ever measured with a record of brutal and deadly temperatures, according to the World Meteorological Organisation. As the Southern Hemisphere prepares for summer, it's predicted that it will experience the same weather. The extreme heat poses a growing health risk for outdoor workers. What can your business do to protect them?
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Construction Nurse Call System Selection Criteria

Construction is a high risk industry, where workers brave unpredictable weather conditions, work at great heights, and handle dangerous tools and machinery. They navigate constantly changing building sites, adapting to new layouts whether they're permanently on the project, or employed as a contractor or sub-contractor. In the event of a nurse call emergency on a construction site, it is crucial to have a straightforward and dependable method to alert others, establish clear communication channels with important event information, and coordinate a swift response.
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Preventing False Evacuation and Nurse Call Alarms

When installing smoke alarms, evacuation systems, or nurse call systems at your workplace there is always the potential for false alarms. These erroneous reports of emergencies can lead to unnecessary panic and the misallocation of resources, such as emergency response personnel and carers, to places where they are not needed. False alarms pose a significant risk, as they can divert emergency responders away from genuine emergencies, with the worst outcome a loss of life. Repeated false alarms in a specific area can also lead worker to develop alarm fatigue, causing them to disregard an alarm, assuming it's false. When considering an emergency alert system, it's crucial to consider how that system addresses false alarm prevention as part of your purchasing decision. Neglecting this can have costly consequences for you and your business.
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A Frontline Workforce In Crisis

In today's rapidly evolving work landscape, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees has become more crucial than ever. Verkada, a leading provider of enterprise video security solutions, recently conducted a comprehensive workplace safety survey that sheds light on the challenges faced by frontline workers. The survey findings, which reflect the current state of workplace safety, have unveiled a workforce in crisis. Solutions like those offered by Vanguard Wireless can play a significant role in addressing these challenges.
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Reusing Your Vanguard Wireless System

While we love to sell customers new systems, there are occasions where an existing system is no longer required for a completed site but could be used wholly or partially at another site. Reusing a Vanguard Wireless nurse call or evacuation device – or a group of them – has numerous environmental and budgetary benefits. From an environmental perspective, reuse helps to save energy, limits pollution, conserves natural resources and reduces greenhouse gas emission. From a budgetary perspective, it reduces the amount you need to invest in a system on another site. Provided the devices are in good working order and have been used in accordance with the operations manual, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t reuse.
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Questions To Ask When Choosing A Safety Alert System

on Oct 21, 2019 6:21:48 PM By | Igor Kazagrandi | 0 Comments | safetyonsite safetyalertsystems evacuationsystems nursecallunits
The building and construction industry experiences one of the highest incidences of injury and death in comparison to other industries. This is likely due to the nature of the work (physical), environmental factors (particularly long hot summers in Australia or long harsh winters in Europe and Northern America), and the sometimes transient nature of the workforce.
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Discrepancies between workplace safety regulation and legislation

The Australian Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 stipulates that a person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must ensure that an emergency plan exists, covering: procedures, testing and training.
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