Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

Devices Specified By CPB, John Holland, & Multiplex

Are you considering Vanguard Wireless systems for your site? Vanguard Wireless provides the exclusive combination of hardware and software for construction nurse call and evacuation systems in Australia. These systems are trusted and chosen by numerous industry leaders in construction and civil works for their large-scale civil and infrastructure projects. What are the standout features of our system?
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Ensuring Your PPE Works For Everyone

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and well-being of any workers in high risk industries such as construction, mining, civil works, rail, and manufacturing. for PPE to work best, it must properly fit. Not only is ill fitting PPE redundant, it can actually expose a worker to further risk.
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Partnering With Lendlease Across 18 Sites - June 23

Thanks to our strategic collaboration with Lendlease, we're proud that our intuitive nurse call and evacuation systems are elevating safety standards across 18 diverse Lendlease projects. Vanguard Wireless emergency alert systems are revolutionising site safety, slashing incident response times in projects spread across QLD, NSW, VIC, and SA.
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Working With Hutchinson Builders To Improve Safety - May 2023 Wk 3

We collaborate closely with our partners and their site safety teams to enhance the clarity and speed of medical and evacuation emergency communication with a streamlined and efficient broadcast approach. This is what we've been up to with Hutchinson Builders.
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Working With John Holland To Improve Site Safety - May 2023

We collaborate closely with our partners and their site safety teams to enhance the clarity and speed of medical and evacuation emergency communication with a streamlined and efficient broadcast approach. This is what we've been up to with John Holland.
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Radio Frequency Or Cellular?

When you were younger you probably played with a set of walkie talkies. You took one and your friend took the other, then you spread out and talked to one another. But there were limits - range, obstructions, and battery life - which impacted how far apart you could stand from one another, and how long you could use them before recharging.
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Six Answers To Nurse Call System Questions

What's A Nurse Call System? A nurse call system is what workers can use to trigger a medical emergency alert that enables other personnel to respond with first aid and/or call emergency services. Any workplaces where medical emergencies are more likely to occur should consider installing one.
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Reusing Your Vanguard Wireless System

While we love to sell customers new systems, there are occasions where an existing system is no longer required for a completed site but could be used wholly or partially at another site. Reusing a Vanguard Wireless nurse call or evacuation device – or a group of them – has numerous environmental and budgetary benefits. From an environmental perspective, reuse helps to save energy, limits pollution, conserves natural resources and reduces greenhouse gas emission. From a budgetary perspective, it reduces the amount you need to invest in a system on another site. Provided the devices are in good working order and have been used in accordance with the operations manual, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t reuse.
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Responsibilities As A UAV (drone) Pilot

on Nov 19, 2019 10:28:55 AM By | Simone Poulter | 0 Comments | safetyonsite safetyalertsystems safetyregulation droneflying UAVpilot
Originally published by Safety Solutions:
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Questions To Ask When Choosing A Safety Alert System

on Oct 21, 2019 6:21:48 PM By | Igor Kazagrandi | 0 Comments | safetyonsite safetyalertsystems evacuationsystems nursecallunits
The building and construction industry experiences one of the highest incidences of injury and death in comparison to other industries. This is likely due to the nature of the work (physical), environmental factors (particularly long hot summers in Australia or long harsh winters in Europe and Northern America), and the sometimes transient nature of the workforce.
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