Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

The Benefit of Plug-and-Play Evacuation and Nurse Call Systems

When you're reviewing workplace evacuation or nurse call systems, a key consideration is how easy and cost effective the system will be to install and manage. It's likely you have a worker or team or workers who are in charge of on-site safety, but you don't want the new system to be frustrating in its complication or ease of use. It needs complement or improve your existing emergency plan and workplace response to an evacuation or medical emergency. This is why we've approached the design of our systems with the customer experience in mind. We offer a smart yet simple plug-and-play emergency alert solution. But what exactly does that mean?
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Crucial Emergency Equipment Maintenance

As part of your workplace emergency response plan, you should have a first aid plan. These are documented first aid response protocols that guide staff and others on site on what actions should be taken in the event of a first aid emergency. Arrangements will vary across each workplace based on staffing, the work environment, and element of risk, however the first aid response will generally include commonly understood first aid action steps including: How to trigger a nurse call alert How to respond to a nurse call alert How to monitor and manage hardware and software that’s used as part of an emergency response How to monitor and manage first aid equipment
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First Aid Obligations For Workplaces

The average person will spend approximately 90,000 hours, or one third of their life, at work. Businesses are required to ensure (under the WHS Act) that workers and other persons are not exposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking. Specific obligations includes: Provision of emergency equipment such as nurse call systems, defibrillators, first aid kits, and emergency alert communication devices (evacuation sirens) Ease of access to these facilities; for example they can't be in a locked room or limited security space within the building An adequate number of workers trained to administer first aid at the workplace or that workers have access to an adequate number of other people who have been trained to administer first aid Management have a duty to exercise due diligence to ensure that the business is complying with regulations. Workers have a duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and must not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons. Everyone on site must comply with any reasonable instruction and cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure relating to health and safety at the workplace, such as procedures for first aid and for reporting injuries and illnesses.
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Protecting Workers From Extreme Heat

The Northern Hemisphere has sweltered through its hottest summers ever measured with a record of brutal and deadly temperatures, according to the World Meteorological Organisation. As the Southern Hemisphere prepares for summer, it's predicted that it will experience the same weather. The extreme heat poses a growing health risk for outdoor workers. What can your business do to protect them?
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What Is The 'Hierarchy Of Controls' System?

When it comes to construction sites, safety and health should always be the top priority. With the construction industry facing its fair share of hazards, it's crucial for construction safety professionals to employ a systematic approach such as the Hierarchy of Controls.
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Don't Accept A 'Press & Guess' Emergency System Approach

In an emergency, every second counts. A modern, efficient evacuation and/or nurse call system can mean the difference between life and death. But a system is only as good as its functionality in real-time crisis situations. This is why regular checks and testing of your emergency evacuation and/or nurse call system are crucial. These systems are designed to provide immediate assistance and direction during an emergency, and ensuring they work as intended is a paramount safety measure. You never want someone in an emergency to be in a 'press & guess' situation, where they press a button guessing that it's working and will perform as intended.
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10 Ways To Make Your Workplace Safer

October is National Safe Work Month, an annual initiative aimed at raising awareness about workplace health and safety. It provides an opportunity to share valuable resources and offer free training courses to safety managers. However, ensuring safety at work is a collective responsibility, and there are numerous ways in which a workplace can be made safer. Take a look at this list of 10 strategies that can significantly enhance safety standards. Do any of these strategies resonate with you? Are you currently utilising a robust emergency alert system on your premises in case of an emergency? When was the last time you reviewed and updated your emergency plan and procedures? If you're interested in learning more about how we can assist you in updating your emergency processes on-site, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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Construction Nurse Call System Selection Criteria

Construction is a high risk industry, where workers brave unpredictable weather conditions, work at great heights, and handle dangerous tools and machinery. They navigate constantly changing building sites, adapting to new layouts whether they're permanently on the project, or employed as a contractor or sub-contractor. In the event of a nurse call emergency on a construction site, it is crucial to have a straightforward and dependable method to alert others, establish clear communication channels with important event information, and coordinate a swift response.
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Preventing False Evacuation and Nurse Call Alarms

When installing smoke alarms, evacuation systems, or nurse call systems at your workplace there is always the potential for false alarms. These erroneous reports of emergencies can lead to unnecessary panic and the misallocation of resources, such as emergency response personnel and carers, to places where they are not needed. False alarms pose a significant risk, as they can divert emergency responders away from genuine emergencies, with the worst outcome a loss of life. Repeated false alarms in a specific area can also lead worker to develop alarm fatigue, causing them to disregard an alarm, assuming it's false. When considering an emergency alert system, it's crucial to consider how that system addresses false alarm prevention as part of your purchasing decision. Neglecting this can have costly consequences for you and your business.
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Orisent: Vanguard Wireless's Evolution Reflects a Future-Driven Vision

Australia's leading designer and manufacturer of workplace emergency response systems, Vanguard Wireless, is excited to announce its transformation to Orisent, accompanied by a refreshed corporate logo. This change heralds an exciting era for the company, spotlighting our commitment to pioneering advancements in the field of workplace safety. As we set our sights on the North American market, Orisent is ready to showcase its innovative nurse call and evacuation systems.
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