Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

Safety Innovations Making Workplaces Safer

"Exploration is the engine that drives innovation. Innovation drives economic growth. So let's all go exploring." Edith Widder In the ever-evolving world of technology and innovation, safety has always been a top priority. Each year, we see new advancements that take safety to new heights, and 2023 is no exception. From cutting-edge developments in transportation to breakthroughs in workplace safety and health, this year has brought us an array of safety innovations that promise to make our lives safer and more secure than ever before.
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How Telemetry Can Offer You Amazing Insights

Customers of Vanguard Wireless who have a software subscription granting them entry to our web-based user portal can easily navigate to a dedicated page showcasing the telemetry of their emergency alert system. This invaluable feature allows us to meticulously assess and enhance the design of the evacuation or nurse call system network, enabling us to pinpoint opportunities for stronger connections and the implementation of additional signal pathways. By doing so, we strive to optimise the effectiveness of these crucial systems, ensuring the utmost safety and security for our valued customers.
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Five Answers To Common Emergency Evacuation System Questions

What's A Workplace Evacuation System? Fire is a potential hazard in all workplaces but some industries - particularly where there are open flames, flammable equipment, and sparks - are more of a risk than others. But fire isn't the only reason a workplace might need to be evacuated. There could be a gas leak, a security risk, or a structural issue. An evacuation system can be comprised of hardware like smoke sensors, evac triggers, and evac sirens, manual equipment like air horns and megaphones, or sometimes word of mouth. It's critical that whatever system configuration a workplace installs and uses takes into account the type of risk, the level of risk, and the speed with which workers are told what to do in order to take action. Clear communication about the event - and expectations for those on site - is imperative.
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Integrations That Improve Your Customer Experience

Integrations With HammerTech, Procore, & Irongate Solutions Many of our customers sit within the construction, civil works, and refurbishment industries. Historically low tech, innovative businesses are now looking at products and services that can assist them to digitise practices and processes that help them improve worker safety, project management, and operations.
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Six Answers To Nurse Call System Questions

What's A Nurse Call System? A nurse call system is what workers can use to trigger a medical emergency alert that enables other personnel to respond with first aid and/or call emergency services. Any workplaces where medical emergencies are more likely to occur should consider installing one.
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An Integration That Directly Improves Site Safety

In An Evacuation Emergency, How Will The Event Be Handled? When a site evacuation is required, the speed with which the workforce mobilises and evacuates the site is critical. Many businesses install some sort of evacuation notification system for workers but have you considered whether there's bottlenecks or friction in your process? Our construction customers identified a common problem with their site evacuations that we've worked with another supplier to solve.
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Waste Management In The Construction Industry

The Construction Industry Has A Waste Problem Did you know Australia’s construction and demolition industry generates more than 27 million tonnes of waste production each year? It's the largest source of managed waste in Australia. While generated on Australian building sites, not all waste is diverted to our domestic landfills. We export glass, plastic, tyres, paper/cardboard, and some hazardous waste. However this will no longer be the status quo.
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Incident Reduction With Safety Software

Incident Reduction In The Workplace As a business owner or manager, it’s important to have a comprehensive workplace safety plan in place, so that your employees are protected at all times. An evacuation or nurse call system is a great way to manage a workplace emergency. But you may also be wondering what strategies you can adopt to help prevent workplace accidents before they happen.
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Why We Embraced An Online Knowledge Base

Digitizing Our Instruction Manual & User Guides Late 2021 we migrated our instruction manual and user guides to an online knowledge base app. As one of the most innovative plug-and-play evacuation and nurse call system providers in the APAC region, we realised that providing our customers with a printed guide upon receipt of their system didn't align with our business philosophy OR our customer's requirements ongoing. We see the benefits as follows:
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Six Ways Drones Can Improve Safety at Your Construction Site

Sites That Evolve On A Daily Basis Can Be Riskier For Workers Construction sites are full of heavy equipment and risky working conditions, so safety is always a concern. Thanks to technology, it is now possible to create safer working conditions for construction workers and introduce efficiency in monitoring construction sites. Even though drones entered the scene as a novelty, the technology has now found widespread applications in many industries. One such important application of drone technology is on construction sites.
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