Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

Evacuation Siren Types and Considerations

A crucial aspect of emergency preparedness is the inclusion of an evacuation alarm system which often includes at least one evacuation siren. Sirens play a pivotal role in alerting people to imminent danger and guiding them to safety. The warning tends to be universal regardless of language, location, age, or job role. When a siren sounds you know it’s warning you to imminent danger and strongly suggesting you either relocate to a safer place or lockdown to avoid the danger.
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Establishing Wireless Communications Networks

Regardless of the type of work environment your business operates within, it should have an up-to-date emergency plan which includes an evacuation and nurse call system. Depending on the type of system, you might need a specialist to hard wire it into your premises. If you're using a Vanguard Wireless system, you'll just need to identify where you want to install your evacuation or nurse call triggers, and evacuation sirens, then power up your devices and test.
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Our Best Selling Safety Solution

Emergencies can strike at any moment, and when they do, every second counts. The ability for workers, safety personnel, and emergency response teams to respond rapidly and efficiently can mean the difference between life and death, as well as the prevention of severe injuries and property damage.
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Working From Heights Safely

Working from heights is an essential part of many jobs and projects, but it also comes with inherent risks. Falls from heights can result in severe injuries or even fatalities if proper safety precautions are not taken. To ensure a safe working environment when working at heights, it's crucial to follow a set of guidelines and practices such as regular workforce training, adherence to guidelines, using harnesses, and setting ladders and scaffolding up properly. It's also critical to have an effective nurse call and evacuation system in place so if there is an accident, workers can quickly notify emergency response personnel, who can coordinate first aid and - if necessary - a site evacuation or lockdown.
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Locating Workers In An Emergency

During an emergency, people often experience panic. It's a natural response to a sudden and potentially life-threatening situation, and it can manifest differently in individuals. The perceived threat to personal safety activates the body's "fight or flight" response, releasing stress hormones like adrenaline, which can intensify emotions and physical reactions. Cognitive overload can make it difficult to process information, make rational decisions, or think clearly. Workers who are unprepared for emergencies or who have not received proper training on how to respond may feel helpless and overwhelmed. In many emergencies, time is of the essence, and individuals may feel pressured to make quick decisions. This time pressure can amplify stress and panic. Panic can cause workers to forget where muster points are, what to do in an evacuation or medical emergency, and who to check in with. In this instance the ability to locate a worker (or workers) is critical for management when the business is experiencing an emergency event.
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Common Workplace Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Workplace safety is a crucial aspect of any organisation. It ensures the well-being of employees and reduces the risk of accidents and injuries. By prioritising workplace safety, companies can create a positive work environment and improve productivity. It is essential for every employee to understand the importance of workplace safety and actively participate in maintaining a safe workplace.
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Parkview & Mosaic Prioritising Worker Safety

Vanguard Wireless work with our partners to redefine the landscape of emergency communication and response at worksites across Australia, New Zealand, and the wider APAC region. Parkview and Mosaic are two innovative Australian builders who share our commitment to using cutting-edge technology to set an unprecedented safety standard across their sites.
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Systems Tailor Made For Multiplex

Vanguard Wireless evacuation and nurse call systems are entrusted by Multiplex, as we tailor each system to each unique site, ensuring an unparalleled, powerful solution. We work with Multiplex's electrical engineering teams to design and install the best system configuration for the site to ensure 100% coverage for emergency alert creation and worker notification.
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Evacuation Triggers & Response

In today's unpredictable world, ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals on a work site or within a building is of paramount importance. Various emergencies and incidents can arise unexpectedly, making it crucial for facility managers and occupants to be prepared for any eventuality. Building evacuations are essential procedures that help protect lives and minimise injuries during emergencies.
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Assisting Safety System Specifiers To Win The Tender

Are you frequently involved in electrical project proposals for Australian or New Zealand construction firms? Our emergency evacuation and nurse call systems are specified by the likes of Mirvac, Multiplex, Lendlease, Hutchinson Builders, Roberts Co, ICON, and BESIXWatpac, and we would like to extend our expertise and services to you.
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