Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

The Benefit of Plug-and-Play Evacuation and Nurse Call Systems

When you're reviewing workplace evacuation or nurse call systems, a key consideration is how easy and cost effective the system will be to install and manage. It's likely you have a worker or team or workers who are in charge of on-site safety, but you don't want the new system to be frustrating in its complication or ease of use. It needs complement or improve your existing emergency plan and workplace response to an evacuation or medical emergency. This is why we've approached the design of our systems with the customer experience in mind. We offer a smart yet simple plug-and-play emergency alert solution. But what exactly does that mean?
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Our Best Selling Safety Solution

Emergencies can strike at any moment, and when they do, every second counts. The ability for workers, safety personnel, and emergency response teams to respond rapidly and efficiently can mean the difference between life and death, as well as the prevention of severe injuries and property damage.
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Selecting The Right Fire Alarm For Your Site

Whether you’re a sole trader or a project manager, you need to make sure that you have proper safety equipment onsite for you and your workers. Safe and well-protected workers are happier workers. Installation and use of proper safety equipment by you and your workers means you won’t have to worry as much about you and your team’s health and well-being. This can help everyone focus on their jobs and maintain output to the best of their abilities.
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What Is Total Worker Health?

Total Worker Health (TWH) is an innovative and holistic approach for workplaces to use to understand and deploy strategies that recognise the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and social well-being in the workplace. In today's fast-paced and competitive world, the well-being of employees is more crucial than ever. Companies that prioritise the health and safety of their workforce not only cultivate a more satisfied and productive workforce but also enjoy long-term success. TWH should be considered essential for both employers and employees.
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Devices Specified By CPB, John Holland, & Multiplex

Are you considering Vanguard Wireless systems for your site? Vanguard Wireless provides the exclusive combination of hardware and software for construction nurse call and evacuation systems in Australia. These systems are trusted and chosen by numerous industry leaders in construction and civil works for their large-scale civil and infrastructure projects. What are the standout features of our system?
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Evacuation Triggers & Response

In today's unpredictable world, ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals on a work site or within a building is of paramount importance. Various emergencies and incidents can arise unexpectedly, making it crucial for facility managers and occupants to be prepared for any eventuality. Building evacuations are essential procedures that help protect lives and minimise injuries during emergencies.
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Designing A Workplace Evacuation System

Evacuation emergencies can happen at a workplace, regardless of how prepared and 'safe' the site is. Unforeseen incidents such as natural disasters, flooding, a environmental risk (such as summer temperatures), or a security breach that puts workers and visitors at risk, can require a full or partial site evacuation. Make sure you have the right system in place.
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Five Answers To Common Emergency Evacuation System Questions

What's A Workplace Evacuation System? Fire is a potential hazard in all workplaces but some industries - particularly where there are open flames, flammable equipment, and sparks - are more of a risk than others. But fire isn't the only reason a workplace might need to be evacuated. There could be a gas leak, a security risk, or a structural issue. An evacuation system can be comprised of hardware like smoke sensors, evac triggers, and evac sirens, manual equipment like air horns and megaphones, or sometimes word of mouth. It's critical that whatever system configuration a workplace installs and uses takes into account the type of risk, the level of risk, and the speed with which workers are told what to do in order to take action. Clear communication about the event - and expectations for those on site - is imperative.
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Working With Hutchinson Builders To Improve Safety - May 2023 Wk 3

We collaborate closely with our partners and their site safety teams to enhance the clarity and speed of medical and evacuation emergency communication with a streamlined and efficient broadcast approach. This is what we've been up to with Hutchinson Builders.
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Working With John Holland To Improve Site Safety - May 2023

We collaborate closely with our partners and their site safety teams to enhance the clarity and speed of medical and evacuation emergency communication with a streamlined and efficient broadcast approach. This is what we've been up to with John Holland.
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