Vanguard Wireless Best Evacuation Systems Nurse Call Systems

Insights From Orisent powered by Vanguard Wireless

Information for HSE and OHS teams, emergency alert system managers, and workers who seek safer work spaces

Understanding How Female & Male Workers Regulate Temperatures

Did you know that the chromosomes that distinguish men and women play a significant role in determining an individual's thermoregulation processes, which impacts the comfort level of workers in the workplace. For teams responsible for worker health and safety, it’s crucial to have a factual understanding of how thermoregulation impacts their workforce, particularly the risks of heat and cold-related hazards that could threaten workplace safety.
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Locating Workers In An Emergency

During an emergency, people often experience panic. It's a natural response to a sudden and potentially life-threatening situation, and it can manifest differently in individuals. The perceived threat to personal safety activates the body's "fight or flight" response, releasing stress hormones like adrenaline, which can intensify emotions and physical reactions. Cognitive overload can make it difficult to process information, make rational decisions, or think clearly. Workers who are unprepared for emergencies or who have not received proper training on how to respond may feel helpless and overwhelmed. In many emergencies, time is of the essence, and individuals may feel pressured to make quick decisions. This time pressure can amplify stress and panic. Panic can cause workers to forget where muster points are, what to do in an evacuation or medical emergency, and who to check in with. In this instance the ability to locate a worker (or workers) is critical for management when the business is experiencing an emergency event.
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What Is The 'Hierarchy Of Controls' System?

When it comes to construction sites, safety and health should always be the top priority. With the construction industry facing its fair share of hazards, it's crucial for construction safety professionals to employ a systematic approach such as the Hierarchy of Controls.
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What Is A Wireless Evacuation and Nurse Call System?

The rapid evolution of technology has transformed numerous aspects of our lives, and workplace safety is no exception. Emergency evacuation and nurse call systems are traditionally hard wired, but Vanguard Wireless utilise a range of technologies to ensure the devices that form part of the system communicate wirelessly. How and why do we do this?
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Don't Accept A 'Press & Guess' Emergency System Approach

In an emergency, every second counts. A modern, efficient evacuation and/or nurse call system can mean the difference between life and death. But a system is only as good as its functionality in real-time crisis situations. This is why regular checks and testing of your emergency evacuation and/or nurse call system are crucial. These systems are designed to provide immediate assistance and direction during an emergency, and ensuring they work as intended is a paramount safety measure. You never want someone in an emergency to be in a 'press & guess' situation, where they press a button guessing that it's working and will perform as intended.
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10 Ways To Make Your Workplace Safer

October is National Safe Work Month, an annual initiative aimed at raising awareness about workplace health and safety. It provides an opportunity to share valuable resources and offer free training courses to safety managers. However, ensuring safety at work is a collective responsibility, and there are numerous ways in which a workplace can be made safer. Take a look at this list of 10 strategies that can significantly enhance safety standards. Do any of these strategies resonate with you? Are you currently utilising a robust emergency alert system on your premises in case of an emergency? When was the last time you reviewed and updated your emergency plan and procedures? If you're interested in learning more about how we can assist you in updating your emergency processes on-site, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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Systems Tailor Made For Multiplex

Vanguard Wireless evacuation and nurse call systems are entrusted by Multiplex, as we tailor each system to each unique site, ensuring an unparalleled, powerful solution. We work with Multiplex's electrical engineering teams to design and install the best system configuration for the site to ensure 100% coverage for emergency alert creation and worker notification.
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Are You Using These Integrations?

Vanguard Wireless has long been at the forefront of offering state-of-the-art nurse call and evacuation systems to construction sites and other hazardous workplaces. Vanguard Wireless is also the ONLY emergency alert system supplier to integrate with Procore, HammerTech, and Irongate Solutions.
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Improving ADCO's Emergency Response Times

We're proud to be ADCO's emergency alert system of choice, supporting your company's Safer by Choice philosophy with our smart nurse call and evacuation systems. We've enjoyed a long working relationship with ADCO, with systems currently installed across QLD and NSW.
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MATES In Construction

Every year 190 Australians working in the construction industry take their own lives; this means we lose a construction worker every second day to suicide. Construction workers are six times more likely to die from suicide than an accident at work. For our young workers, the facts are that they are well over two times more likely to take their own lives than other young Australian men.
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